Evidence-based improvements in delivery models

This framework showcases proven improvements to the infrastructure delivery process made by G20 governments and industry, categorised by six common themes. Select a theme to view challenges, suggested improvements, related case studies, and resources.

View challenges and improvements by theme

Achieving an appropriate level of project design during planning stage.

Underspending in planning studies (economic, commercial, technical, design) results in inefficient procurement process. Re-work and late-stage studies to better understand unearthed risks, delays procurement and adds client and contractor costs to procurement phase.

What improvements have been used to address the challenges? Improvement How have infrastructure projects benefited from improvement? Benefit

Ensure a sufficiently detailed level of design at procurement stage to allow a reasonable estimation of the budget for the client considering a level of contingency commensurate with the level of design maturity.

The level of design produced by the client should be balanced against the potential for contractors to bring value added innovation through their proposed solution.

Using a front-end engineering design process is a way to capture improved value for money by the client via an upfront investment in value engineering to allow the identification of risks and allowing greater input from the project owner, to ensure the design reflects the scope and price intended.

Case Studies:

  • Regional Rail Link (Australia) was the largest public transport project in the country during its construction, and involved expanding the regional rail network and creating extra capacity for metropolitan and regional train services. It had a well-considered reference design enabling it to be carried through to be priced by tenderers without major changes. Another factor contributing to its success included packaging the brownfield sections of the project under three competitive alliances. Through the competitive target outturn cost process, designs were developed by shortlisted parties, and solutions developed to achieve time and cost savings (case study from the GI Hub Project Preparation Reference Tool).